The processes we implement and optimize:
Marketing automation
Customer service automation
Back office automation
We implement and optimize Marketing Automation processes.
We automate the key business processes oriented on revenue increase and improvement of the company's effectiveness.

We create automation based on data and customers' actions.
Data analysis and interpretation
Our experts analyze customers' actions and interpret analytical data, and, on this basis, create behavioral models.
Creation and implementation of scripts
The models are used to create automation tracks that represent the real actions and needs of customers.
Achieving the specified goals
The scripts have defined goals they should aim to accomplish as well as their verification processes. Every automation is optimized in A/B testing.
Costs and effects optimization
Due to the implemented automation, our associates optimize marketing costs and customer service while, at the same time, improving the effects.
Automation segments.
Marketing automation
We implement the automation of marketing activities oriented toward generating revenue or acquiring potential customers (Lead generation).
Customer service automation
We implement the processes of automatic customer service, such as chatbots, webflow or customer self-service centers.
Back office automation
By the use of non-code and low-code systems, we integrate a number of systems into consistent information exchange processes, e.g., marketing <-> sales.
Data automation
We integrate data from many sources and create joint dashboards. In this process, we use tools such as Data Studio and Microsoft Dynamics 365.
The effects of our operations.
E-mail marketing revenue increase
Shortening of CS response time
Reduction of marketing costs
Increase in conversion
Our opinions.


Jak zautomatyzować obsługę klienta w eCommerce?
Niejednokrotnie osoby obsługujące sklepy internetowe wykonują wiele powtarzających się, czasochłonnych czynności – jak można im pomóc?

Podstawowe procesy marketing automation dla eCommerce
System narzędzi połączonych niezbędnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania wdrażanych strategii.
Co na nie się składa? Zobacz poniżej

Jak wybrać narzędzie do marketing automation?
Wybór na rynku jest szeroki, dlatego też powinien zostać dopasowany indywidualnie do rodzaju firmy. Jakie więc wybrać narzędzie? Każde przedsiębiorstwo jest inne, jednak kluczowa kwestia jest taka sama.

Jak zautomatyzować obsługę klienta w eCommerce?
Niejednokrotnie osoby obsługujące sklepy internetowe wykonują wiele powtarzających się, czasochłonnych czynności – jak można im pomóc?

Podstawowe procesy marketing automation dla eCommerce
System narzędzi połączonych niezbędnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania wdrażanych strategii.
Co na nie się składa? Zobacz poniżej

Jak wybrać narzędzie do marketing automation?
Wybór na rynku jest szeroki, dlatego też powinien zostać dopasowany indywidualnie do rodzaju firmy. Jakie więc wybrać narzędzie? Każde przedsiębiorstwo jest inne, jednak kluczowa kwestia jest taka sama.

We want to know your challenges.
The first step is conversation. During the free consultation, we want to get familiar with your current challenges, help you establish your needs and suggest possible solutions.
The automation, analytics and content experts watch over all processes.
Our team involves experts with experience in the fields of automation, business/strategy, analytics, content, among others. As a result, our approach to cooperation is complex, and we are able to map automation processes.

We will be a part of your team.
We work closely with our associates through frequent communication, working with the same tools and environments to manage tasks, and more. We deeply care about the quality of services, transparency and communication.
Free consultation
A free consultation is a 30-minute video conversation about the automation of processes in your company. During the meeting, we will cover your challenges, I will answer the questions about automation and tell you about the solutions I have.
We will set the date of such consultation together, during a phone call or via e-mail. I hope to work with you.
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